Officer Hezekiah E. Hires , USA
Jacksonville Police Department
Cause of Death:
Shot by Saloon KeeperDate of Incident:
May 13, 1910Date of Death:
May 13, 1910Location of Incident:
Bridge Street and Church StreetWeapon Used:
FirearmSuspect Info:
Harry S. Danson, sentenced to lifeOfficer Hires was shot and killed after responding to assist another officer in making an arrest. During the arrest the first officer shot and killed a suspect who was assaulting him. As Officer Hires came to assist the officer the deceased man's son shot Officer Hires in the back of the head at close range.
The suspect was arrested, convicted of second degree murder, and sentenced to life in prison.
Officer Hires was a U.S. Army veteran and had been with the Jacksonville Police Department for 10 months. He was survived by his father, two brothers, and sister.